Milos Novovic

Hi there! I'm Miloš.

I teach tech and contract law.

About me

Hi! I’m Miloš Novović, and I work as an Associate Professor of Law at BI Norwegian Business School.

I live in Oslo, Norway, where I wrote my PhD in law. I love teaching about international commercial contracts, privacy, and anything tech-related. I also love talking (see my podcast or TEDx talk and podcast), writing articles (some are here), and occasionally getting some project-based work done on the ground.

Basically, I am a technology nerd who loves negotiating tech contracts.

I’m Miloš Novović, an associate professor of law at BI Norwegian Business School.

I teach courses on the GDPR, digital compliance and platform liability. I am also interested in commercial contracts, and teach courses on international commercial and arbitration law.

I hold a PhD in law from the University of Oslo, an LL.M. from the George Washington University, and a BSc. from University of Montenegro.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I’ve spent several years helping major Norwegian and international companies with privacy and IT contract-related matters. Needless to say, I am also a huge technology geek, and love learning how stuff works 🙂

My classes

Legal Tech

A course on privacy and data protection, intellectual property law and AI.

Privacy and the GDPR

An Executive course covering all aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Taught in Norwegian.

Digital Compliance

An Executive course on data protection, security, marketing and IT contract law. Taught in Norwegian.

International Commercial Law

A course on negotiating, drafting and enforcing international commercial agreements. It also covers arbitration and dispute settlement.

My publications

Digital Services Act Commentary

I have just published a major book: an article-by-article commentary of the EU Digital Services Act. The DSA reforms the field of online platform liability, and introduces significant new obligations on information society service providers. 

Privacy Labels, App Store and the GDPR

This paper examines whether Privacy Nutrition Labels which Apple requires on the App Store help enhance transparency.

My PhD thesis

In my doctoral thesis, I examine how big platforms license user's copyrighted works through their Terms of Service agreements.

My work


I have been working with data protection and privacy for a while now, and I am interested in (nearly) everything related to the field.
At this moment, I am focusing on the ways in which the GDPR affects the freedom to conduct business and freedom of contract.

DSA and AI

Right now, I am looking into the questions of platform regulation under the Digital Services Act, as well as regulation of AI in the AI Act.
I am particularly interested in how the rules on AI will affect big and smaller businesses, how they interact with the GDPR and other rules, and which compliance risks they entail.

Commercial contracts

Negotiating and interpreting contracts is always fun, as is learning about differences in national contract laws. Right now, I am looking into how choosing to litigate the disputes arising out of a contract in one country, without fully understanding its mandatory rules (such as those on privacy), can subvert the expectations of the contractual parties.

Consulting and training

I (occasionally) provide teaching and consulting services for businesses and public organizations. If you are looking for a crash course on the GDPR, guidance on negotiating tech contracts, or insights into the use of AI, drop me a line!

My podcasts and talks

Grumpy GDPR

Listen the latest episode of Grumpy GDPR, a podcast where I discuss the latest and greatest GDPR news together with Rie Aleksandra Walle – in the grumpiest way possible. 

My TEDx talk

Papers, training and resources

App Store Privacy Labels

Here is an article where I explore how Privacy Nutrition Labels posted in App Stores affect users and developers. My core argument is that privacy labels found in the app stores do not satisfy the GDPR transparency requirements, but that they still contribute to internal compliance.

(Novović, Miloš. Privacy nutrition labels, App Store and the GDPR: Unintended consequences?", Journal of Data Protection & Privacy, Henry Stewart Publications, 2023)

Arbitrability of GDPR disputes

In this article, I argue that private judges (arbitrators) must be, under the EU and international law, allowed to rule on GDPR compensation claims. I claim that this is not necessarily problematic.

(Novović, Miloš. "Arbitrability of Data Protection Disputes: Personal Data, Personalized Justice?", European Review of Contract Law, vol. 19, no. 3, 2023)

Copyright Tourism

In this article, I argue that the EU Court of Justice has created unexpected problems when it ruled that copyright disputes can be filed in any EU country where the content can be accessed from.

(Novović, Miloš. Fighting European ‘Copyright Tourism’: Lessons from Defamation Laws, European Review of Private Law, 2019)

Licensing of User-Generated Content

In my PhD thesis, I address the questions relating to mass-scale copyright licensing agreements which users enter into when they sign up for big online services.

(Novović, Miloš. Licensing of User-Generated Content: How Online Platforms Exploit Users’ Copyrighted Works, University of Oslo, 2018)

Get in touch

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